Friday, January 6, 2017

Mugged by the Devil...

John 10:10 (Good New Translation)

10 The thief comes only in order to steal, kill, and destroy. I have come in order that you might have life—life in all its fullness.

I recently received an email from a friend that head this scripture as it's sign-off. It couldn't have come at a better time in my life.

You know how you read something, whether it's in the bible, a novel, newspaper, blog, etc... and the first time you read it, it didn't really mean much to you? Then you read it again a month, year, or even decade later, and it takes on a whole new meaning?

Because of what you've been through, you interpret that text in an entirely new way.

That's what happened to me with John 10:10. Until recently, I'd read that passage and think "Alright. Satan wants me dead, wants to steal my precious belongings, and destroy my home and family. Jesus wants me to be holy and righteous. Jesus wants me to have <insert desire here>."

Reading it yesterday? It held a whole new meaning.

Recently, I've been real selfish. I've spent most of my time feeding my addictions, and I have a lot of them. Video games. Comic books. TV/Movies/YouTube. Pointless internet browsing. Food (specifically, junk food).

And I've been staying up far too late every night feeding these addiction. I want to stay up "Just another few minutes" so I can play one more game, eat one more snack, watch one more episode, read one more chapter. But it's never enough. That "one more <fill in the blank>" never satisfied.

All the while I'm ignoring God and my bible. Not talking to Him unless I'm desperate, or cut off from my addictions and incredibly bored.

How did this change my perspective on John 10:10? Let's go through the passage quick.

"The thief comes only in order to steal, kill, and destroy."

I didn't read this as literally this time. I believe satan (the thief) wants to steal my happiness, potential, and purpose by stealing/killing/destroying my time with worthless things. I have wasted SO much time playing video games, watching YouTube, and reading comics lately. I'm not saying these things are bad in and of themselves, but they've just sucked so much precious time out of my life.

I've come to a point where NONE of these things are making me happy. I just feel sucked dry. And I insanely go back to it, thinking "One more game/snack/episode" will do the trick.

It's like when you eat nothing but junk food. Sure, it tastes really good the instant you put it in your mouth, but over the long haul you feel more and more miserable. Ironically, the more miserable you get, the more junk food you eat. When you finally break out of the cycle (by eating healthier, eating less, sleeping more, exercising, etc...) you lose that initial rush of satisfaction from the junk food, but you gain a long term, overall feeling of wellness and satisfaction that the junk food never brings.

And THAT is what I think the second part of the passage is all about. "I have come in order that you might have life—life in all its fullness." Jesus brings you a satisfaction that the junk can never deliver. "Life in it's fullness." Not simply stuff we want, but a life that has purpose, affects others and... hmmm... maybe I'm speaking overly spiritual. Let me give you a real life example, and see if that helps.

Last night I finally stopped being selfish. At least for one evening. Instead of playing video games, or reading, or watching YouTube, I put a cabinet together that my wife ordered online. I was NOT looking forward to it. I read about this cabinet on Amazon and a lot of reviews said it was VERY tricky to put together. Some even said you had to drill new holes so the screws fit better.

I am NOT a handyman. AT ALL. So this stressed me out. But I had decided to put myself aside, and do this for my wife. So I looked at the instructions, and some tips online, and slowly (with my 8 year old son's help) put this cabinet together.

By the end of the night, we did it! I was sore, had a huge bruise on my thumb from using the screwdriver on some stubborn areas of the cabinet, and I was TIRED.

But I felt GOOD.

That wonderful kind of tired good, where you know you did something productive. Even better, I'd done something for someone else. I "loved my neighbor as myself." It might have not been easy, and didn't hold the initial rush of a video game, but I felt REALLY good. A guilt-free good that both God and myself are REALLY happy about.

I think that's part of the "life in all it's fullness" Jesus talked about. And that's the kind of life satan wants to steal away from us. He doesn't want us to be productive in a good way. He doesn't want us to help others. He wants us to be full of ourselves, and closed off from other's lives. He wants to cut off our God given potential, and ability to affect someone else's life for the better. He wants to convince us that we'll fail if we do anything other than sit in front of the TV and binge. A Netflix marathon is SO much safer than bringing a neighbor cookies, or writing that blog you've ignored for two months.


I hope this post has made your day a bit better. Please let me know your thoughts in the comments below. Maybe you have a similar story to share?

Monday, November 7, 2016

The Original Smear Campaign


I think it's safe to say that for the last month it's been very difficult to avoid the presidential campaign ads.

They're impossible to avoid. TV. Radio. YouTube. 90% of the ads on the internet. I would not bat an eye if I was feeding a squirrel in the park, and the little guy warned me about the horrors of voting for Trump, or if a public toilet had "STOP HILLARY" messages on the toilet paper.

Over and over we've been hearing one candidate tell us that the other candidate is a liar, has multiple skeletons in his/her closet, and is unfit to do the job.

It is very much like my children running into the room and frantically accusing each other of being behind the shattering noise I just heard in the other room.

It is ALSO very much like what the devil does to God EVERY DAY.

In the same way I cannot avoid the constant presidential smear campaigns in the media, I cannot avoid the devil's lies about God, from sun up to sun down.

From the moment my alarm clock assaults my ears in the morning, and my head leaves the pillow, I hear:

God doesn't exist.
God won't be there for you.
The bible isn't true.
Jesus was just a man.
Jesus didn't rise from the grave.
God doesn't love you.
God can't handle your problem.
God can handle your problem, but doesn't CARE about it.
The Holy Spirit didn't convict you.
God is a liar.
God has multiple skeletons in His closet.
God is unfit for the job.

If you think about it, the serpent, the garden of Eden, Adam and Eve... it was the original smear campaign.

The Man and Woman Sin

1The serpent was the shrewdest of all the wild animals the LORD God had made. One day he asked the woman, “Did God really say you must not eat the fruit from any of the trees in the garden?”
2“Of course we may eat fruit from the trees in the garden,” the woman replied. 3“It’s only the fruit from the tree in the middle of the garden that we are not allowed to eat. God said, ‘You must not eat it or even touch it; if you do, you will die.’”
4“You won’t die!” the serpent replied to the woman. 5“God knows that your eyes will be opened as soon as you eat it, and you will be like God, knowing both good and evil.”

Genesis 3:1-5 (emphasis mine)

Sound familiar?

The thing about a smear campaign is, it doesn’t matter if it isn't true. If you say the lie enough times, to enough people, it tends to eventually become "true". It doesn't matter if it's made up. Enough people have read it on the news, heard it on TV, or seen it on the internet, and believe it, based on the CONSTANT repetition.

It's the same thing with the devil's smear campaign on God. Satan does NOT have our best in mind. He will do anything to harm your relationship with God. He will do whatever he can to convince you that God's love, and promises, are false advertising.

And he will lie to you ALL DAY LONG. And it can be hard to not give in to the constant barrage of lies.

But don't you dare do it. Don't you believe him. God loves you SO, SO much. He has awesome plans for your life. No matter how much Satan tries to convince you otherwise:


And don't forget James 4:7.

7So humble yourselves before God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you.

And give yourself a break and turn off the TV for a few minutes. Presidential ads have been known to cause tooth decay.

I read that somewhere.